Amabile Family Blog

Partner Highlight: Winyah Rivers Alliance
Representing a drainage area of over 11,000 square miles, this group works to protect the 3rd largest watershed on the east coast. Their mission is to protect, preserve, monitor and revitalize the health of the lands and waters of the greater Winyah Bay watershed.

Being around water just makes us feel better. Just like art, there is purpose found in these beautiful places. They speak to us, calm us, connect us; they wash over our anxiety and stress. There is something amazing about the waters of our blue world, it’s something that you can’t ignore. Incidentally, it cost about $25 to see the ‘Mona Lisa’ on display. A sunset over the ocean, a beautiful clear stream, or even the tranquility of little local pond…free!

Partner Highlight: James River Association
As they put it, “Clean Water is No Accident”
They have worked diligently over the past four decades to take the James from one of the nation’s most polluted rivers to one of the most improved. Work like this takes a village.